Универзитет у Београду
Институт за хемију, технологију и металургију
Институт од националног значаја за Републику Србију

grb BUУниверзитет у Београду

др Снежана Спасић

Виши научни сарадник







ИХТМ – Центар за хемију,
Лабораторија за биотехнологију
Хемијски факултет ,
Студентски трг 12-16,
I спрат, лаб. 435
11158 Београд 118,
ПАК 105104
Телефон: 011 / 2637-273
Факс: 011 / 2636-061
Мобилни телефон: 065 / 435-6716
Електронска пошта: svujin@chem.bg.ac.rs


2006 Доктор биохемијских наука, Хемијски факултет, Универзитет у Београду
1998 Магистар биохемијских наука, Хемијски факултет, Универзитет у Београду
1994 Специјалиста биохемијских наука, Хемијски факултет, Универзитет у Београду
1992 Дипломирани хемичар, Хемијски факултет, Универзитет у Београду


1995 Истраживач
1998 Истраживач сарадник
2007 Научни сарадник
2013 Виши научни сарадник

Чланства у друштвима: Српско хемијско друштво, Биохемијско друштво Србије, Микробиолошко друштво Србије

Професионлно искуство:

1992 – 1993 ИМС
1995 – ИХТМ – Центар за хемију

Области интересовања:

Биотехнологија, микробиолошка хемија, биоремедијација, хуминске киселине, витамини, пробиотици, метаболички процеси

Знање језика: Енглески, француски

Најзначајнији пројекти:

Међународни пројекти:

2014 – 2017 Пројекат финансиран од страње JICA, Јапан: “Capacity Building For Analysis And Reduction Measures Of Persistent Organic Pollutants In Serbia”

Домаћи пројекти:

2011 – 2014 Симултана биоремедијација и соилификација деградираних простора, за очување природних ресурса биолошки активних супстанци и развој и производњу биоматеријала и дијететских производа (Е. бр.: III 43004)

2008 – 2011 Производни мобилни биореактор и добијање биомасе микроорганизама за биоремедијацију (Е. бр.: 20131)

2006 – 2010 Биомаса и метаболизам неких микроорганизама као извор широко употребљивих производа и биохемијских реакција (Е. бр.: 142018Б)

2005 – 2007 Рекултивација депонија исплаке и могућност ремедијације и биоремедијације земљишта, отпадних вода и тешких такога акцидентно и инцидентно контаминираних нафтом и њених деривата (Е. бр.: ТД 7032Б)

2005 – 2007 Органски везани есенцијални олиго и микроелементи, пребиотици и пробиотици у здравој храни и инфант формулама (Е. бр.: ТР 6845Б)

2002 – 2005 Метаболичка активност неких особених микроорганизама као извор биолошки активних супстанци и трансфомација природних и синтетичких супстрата (Е. бр.: 101740)

2002 – 2004 Примена метаболичких активности неких особених микроорганизама као извор биолошки активних супстанци и трансфомација природних и синтетичких супстрата (Е. бр.: 2.11.0295.Б)

Изабране публикације:

Публиковани радови:

  1. Bojana Bolić, Ana Mijušković, Ana Popović-Bijelić, Aleksandra Nikolić-Kokić, Snežana Spasić, Duško Blagojević, Mihajlo B. Spasić, Ivan Spasojević; Reactions of superoxide dismutases with HS-/H2S and superoxide radical anion: An in vitro EPR study, Nitric Oxide 51 (2015) 19e23
  2. Milica Bajčetić, Snežana Spasić, Ivan Spasojević; REDOX THERAPY IN NEONATAL SEPSIS: REASONS, TARGETS, STRATEGY, AND AGENTS; SHOCK 2014 42(3) 179-184
  3. Srdjan B. Miletić, Snežana D. Spasić, Jelena Avdalović, Vladimir Beškoski, Mila Ilić, Gordana Gojgić-Cvijović, Miroslav M. Vrvić; The effect of humic acids on zymogenous microbial consortia growth, Clean – Soil Air Water 42(9) (2014), 1280-1283
  4. Visnja Bogdanovic, Snezana Spasic, Lazar Rutonjski, Mihajla Djan, Jasminka Mrdjanovic; Dose-dependent survival of K562 cells subjected to irradiation, time course of endogenous enzyme activity and protective effect of applied superoxide dismutase; JBUON 2014; 19(2): 554-561
  5. Aleksandar J. Ristić, Dragoslav Sokić, Vladimir Baščarević, Snežana Spasić, Nikola Vojvodić, Slobodan Savić, Savo Raičević, Maša Kovačević, Danijela Savić, Ivan Spasojević; Metals and electrolytes in sclerotic hippocampi in patients with drug-resistant mesial temporal lobe epilepsy; Epilepsia 55(5) 2014, 2014
  6. Nikoleta M. Lugonja, Dalibor M. Stanković, Snezana D. Spasić, Goran M. Roglić, Dragan D. Manojlović, Miroslav M. Vrvić; Comparative Electrochemical Determination of Total Antioxidant Activity in Infant Formula with Breast Milk; Food Anal. Methods 7(2) 2014 337-344
  7. Milica Bajčetić, Biljana Otašević, Niveska B Prekajski, Snežana Spasić, Ivan Spasojević; Antioxidative system in the erythrocytes of preterm neonates with sepsis: the effects of vitamin E supplementation; Ann. Clin. Biochem. 51(5) 2014, 550-556
  8. Nikoleta Lugonja, Snežana D. Spasić, Olga Laugier, Aleksandra Nikolić-Kokić, Ivan Spasojević, Zorana Oreščanin-Dušić, Miroslav M. Vrvić, Differences in direct pharmacologic effects and antioxidative properties of mature breas milk and infant formulas, Nutrition 29 (2013) 431-435
  9. Ivan Spasojević, Budimir Obradović, Snežana Spasić, Bench-to-beside review: Neonatal sepsis – redox processes in pathogenesis, Critical Care 16 (2012) 221-231
  10. Michael Everton Andrades, Arian Morina, Snežana Spasić, Ivan Spasojević, Bench-to-bedside review: Sepsis – from the redox point of view, Critical Care 15 (2011) 230
  11. Ivan Spasojević, Miloš Mojović, Duško Blagojević, Snežana D. Spasić, David R. Jones, Aleksandra Nikolić - Kokić, Mihajlo B. Spasić; Relevance of the capacity of phosphorylated fructose to scavenge the hydroxyl radical. Carbohydrate Research 344 (2009), 80-84
  12. Olga B. Laugier, Snežana D. Spasić, Vesna Mandić, Dragica Jakovljević, Miroslav M. Vrvić; The effect of repetitive alkaline/acid extractions of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall on antioxidative and bifidogenic efficacy. Int. J. Food Sci. Tech. 47 (2012) 369-375.
  13. Oreščanin Z., Milovanović S., Spasić S., Jones D., Spasić M.; Different responses of mesenteric artery from normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats to nitric oxide and its redox congeners. Pharmacological Report 59 (2007), 325-332
  14. Ana Nićiforović, Miroslav Adžić, Snežana D. Spasić, Marija B. Radojčić; Antitumor Effects of a Natural Anthracycline Analog (Aloin) Involve Altered Activity of Antioxidant Enzymes in HeLaS3 Cells. Cancer Biology & Therapy 6(8) (2007), 1200-1205
  15. Olga B. Martinov, Snezana D. Spasic, Nikoleta M. Lugonja, Gordana Dj. Gojgic-Cvijovic, Miroslav M. Vrvic, Infant formula as a substrate for bifidogenesis: An in vitro investigation, Afr. J. Biotechnol. 10(12) (2011) 2302-2307.
  16. Nikoleta M. Lugonja, Olga B. Martinov, Mirjana M. Rasovic, Snezana D. Spasic, Gordana Dj. Gojgic, Miroslav M. Vrvic, A Comparative Investigation on an in vitro and Clinical Test of the Bifidogenic Effect of an Infant Formula, J. Clin. Biochem. Nutr. 47 (2010) 208-216
  17. Ivan Spasojević, Miloš Mojović, Zorica Stević, Snežana D. Spasić, David R. Jones, Arian Morina, Mihajlo B. Spasić; Bioavailability and catalytic properties of copper and iron for Fenton chemistry in human cerebrospinal fluid. Redox Report 15(1) (2010), 29-39
  18. Miroslav Adžić, Ana Nićiforović, Božidarka Zarić, Zora Nešković-Konstantinović, Snežana D. Spasić, David R. Jones, Marija B. Radojčić; Cell culture conditions potentiate differences in the response to ionising radiation of peripheral blood leukocytes isolated from breast cancer patients and healthy subjects. Redox Report 13(1) (2008), 17-22
  19. Ana Nićiforović, Miroslav Adžić, Snežana D. Spasić, David Jones, Marija B. Radojčić; Do altered activities of superoxide dismutases and NF-kB level in HeLaS3 cells modulate effects of gamma-radiation. J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 72(10) (2007), 945-952
  20. Miroslav Adžić, Ana Nićiforović, Vesna Vučić, Zora Nešković-Konstantinović, Snežana D. Spasić, David R. Jones, Marija B. Radojčić, Mihajlo B. Spasić; Systemic NFκB Activation in blood cells of breast cancer patients. Redox Report 11(1) (2006), 39-44


  1. Vladimir P. Beškoski, Gordana Gojgić-Cvijović, Jelena Milić, Mila Ilić, Srđan Miletić, Snežana Spasić, Miloš Takić, Tanja Šolević, Aleksandra Šainović, Ivan Vučković, Branimir Jovančićević, Miroslav M. Vrvić; Ex situ bioremediation in mobile facility: Our experience with mobile production bioreactor for microbal biomass and various types and levels of pollutants; 3rd International Scientific Conference “Remediation 2010”: Contemporary remediation technologies for environmental conservation and protection, 11-12 May, Belgrade 2010, p. 1-9
  2. D.V.Vranic, A.T. Spiric, L.R.Turbatović, S.D.Spasic, P.Radetic; Lipids and glutathione - dependent enzymes in the pig neck; 54th International Congress of meat science and tehnology, Cape Town, South Africa 2008, CD- Proceedings, session 6-6,25 p 1-3.
  3. Turubatović D.,Vranić D., Nikolić-Kokić A., Spasić S.D., Radetić P.; Comparation of the muscle of the antioxidant defence enzymes in pigs and bulls. Proceedings of 53rd International Congress of Meat Science and technology, Ed. Guanghong Zhou and Weili Zhang, Beijing China agricultural University Press (2007), p 167-168.
  4. G. Gojgić-Cvijović, V.P. Beškoski, J. Milić, M. Ilić, T. Šolević, S. Miletić, I. Vučković, B. Potkonjak, B. Jovančićević, M. Radulović, D. Djordjević, D. Jakovljević, O. Martinov, S. Spasić, V. Matić, B. Nastasijević, M. M. Vrvić; Isolation, selection and adaptation of zymogenous microorganisms: a basis of successful bioremediation; Scientific gathering: Implementation of remediation in environmental quality improvement, 27th November, Belgrade 2006, p 125-132
  5. N.M. Lugonja, O.B. Laugier, S.D. Spasic, G.Dj. Gojgic-Cvijovic, M.M. Vrvic, Bifidogenic effect of a follow-on formula supplemented with prebiotics; Abstracts of the International Symposium of Probiotics & Prebiotics in Pediatrics, Istanbul, Turkey, Feb 24-26, 2012, p.82
  6. Nikoleta M. Lugonja, Olga B. Martinov, Snežana D. Spasić, Gordana Đ. Gojgić-Cvijović, Miroslav M. Vrvić, Comparative Clinical Study and In Vitro Test of Bifidogenic Effect of Two Infant Formulas Supplemented With Inulin and Fos; 1st FCUB ERA Workshop "Food Safety and Health Effects of Food", January 31 – February 1, 2011, Belgrade, Serbia
  7. Olga B. Martinov, Snežana D. Spasić, Nikoleta M. Lugonja, Gordana Đ. Gojgić-Cvijović, Miroslav M. Vrvić, Effect of Prebiotic Infant Formula on The Infant’s Gut Microbial Composition and Anthropometric Factors: Clinical Study; 1st FCUB ERA Workshop "Food Safety and Health Effects of Food", January 31 – February 1, 2011, Belgrade, Serbia
  8. N.M. Lugonja, O.B. Laugier, S.D. Spasic, G.Dj. Gojgic-Cvijovic, M.M. Vrvic, Effect of a follow-on formula supplemented with prebiotics on the baby's gut composition; 7th Balkan Congress of Microbiology "Microbiologia Balkanica 2011", October 25-29, 2011 Belgrade, Sebia
  9. S. Spasic, V. Bogdanovic, O. Martinov, S. Miletic, M. Vrvic; Redox status of K562 cells after α-tocopherol treatment; Abstracts of the 14th European Congress on Biotechnology (ECB 14)-Symbiosis, Barcelona, Spain, 13-16 September, 2009
  10. New Biotech. 25S (2009) S5
  11. O. Martinov, N. Lugonja, S. Spasic, G. Gojgic-Cvijovic, M. Vrvic; Investigation of differences in intestinal microbial composition between breast-fed and infant prebiotic formula-fed infants. Abstracts of the 14th European Congress on Biotechnology (ECB 14)-Symbiosis, Barcelona, Spain, 13-16 September, 2009, New Biotech. 25S (2009) S373
  12. N. Lugonja, O. Martinov, S. Spasic, G. Gojgic, M. Vrvic; Similar bifidogenic effects of the infant formulae with added inuline and breast feeding on gut microflora. Abstracts of the 14th European Congress on Biotechnology (ECB 14)-Symbiosis, Barcelona, Spain, 13-16 September, 2009, New Biotech. 25S (2009) S373-S374
  13.  M. Vrvić, V. Beškoski, O. Cvetković, V. Dragutinović, V. Matić, S. Spasić, D. Vitorović; Review of our beneficiation of oil shale by bioprocessing on laboratory scale. International Oil Shale Symposium, Tallin, Estonia, 8-11 June 2009, p. 103
  14. N.M. Lugonja, O.B. Martinov, S.D. Spasic, G.Dj. Gojgic-Cvijovic, M.M. Vrvic; Clinical trial of bifidogenic effect of the infant formulae with added inuline. Abstracts of the 1st European Food Congress, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 4-9 November 2008, Organised by EFFoST, Ljubljana 2008, P 229
  15. O.B. Martinov, S.D. Spasic, G.Dj. Gojgic-Cvijovic, V.F. Matic, M.M. Vrvic; In vitro test: Rapid method for the evaluation of infant formulae bifidogenic effect. Abstracts of the 1st European Food Congress, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 4-9 November, 2008, Organised by EFFoST, Ljubljana 2008, P 237
  16. Snežana Spasić, Olga Martinov, Višnja Bogdanović, Srdjan Miletić, Miroslav Vrvić; Effect of α-tokoferol and α-tokoferol + nitric oxide donor on L929 cells. 5th Balkan congress for microbiology, Budva, Montenegro, October 2007, p 146
  17. Stević Z., Spasojević I., Spasić S.D., Mojović M., Nikolić - Kokić A.; Ascorbate free radical in csf of als: an erp spectrosscopy study. 18th International symposium on ALS/MND, Toronto, Canada, December 2007, Book of Abstract, p. 120
  18. Martinov O.B., Spasić S.D., Jakovljević D.M., Živić N.M., Vrvić M.M.; β-D-Glucan from baker’s yeast: new potential prebiotic; 2nd FEMS congress of European Microbiologists, Spain, Madrid, July 2006, Book of Abstract, p. 199