Univerzitet u Beogradu
Institut za hemiju, tehnologiju i metalurgiju
Institut od nacionalnog značaja za Republiku Srbiju

Dr Miomir Pavlović

Naučni savetnik





IHTM-Centar za elektrohemiju,
Laboratorija za koroziju i zaštitu materijala,
Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet, Karnegijeva 4, suteren, soba 011,
11120 Beograd 35, Pak 135804, Srbija

Telefon: +381 11 337 0430
Faks: +381 11 337 0389
Mobilni telefon: +381 63 822 9495
Elektronska pošta: duki@tmf.bg.ac.rs


  • 1972. Gimnazija
  • 1976. Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd, Srbija (diploma)
  • 1978. Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd, Srbija (magistаrska teza)
  • 1982. Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd, Srbija (doktorska disertacija)


  • 1981. Istraživač pripravnik
  • 1984. Istraživač saradnik
  • 1985. Naučni saradnik
  • 1990. Viši naučni saradnik
  • 1995. Naučni savetnik
  • 1997. Vanredni profesor
  • 2003. Redovan profesor

Članstva u društvima:

Srpskog hemijskog društva, Međunarodnog elektrohemijskog društva, redovan član Inženjerske Akademije Srbije, predsednik Udruženja inženjera Srbije za koroziju i zaštitu materijala, član Inženjerskog društva za koroziju, član Evropske federacije za koroziju.

Profesionalno iskustvo: 

  • 1982. The University of Southampton, Dep. of Chemistry, U.K.
  • 1985. Institute of Physical Chemistry, Madrid, Spain
  • 1988. Institute of Chemical Technology, Praha, ČFSR
  • 1997; 2002. Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Polish Academy of Science, Krakow, Poland
  • 1997-2002; Tehnološki fakultet Zvornik, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Bosna i Hercegovina
  • 1979. – danas, IHTM – Centar za elektrohemiju, Beograd, Srbija

Nagrade i priznanja: 

  • 2002. Nagrada Privredne komore Beograda za najbolji pronalazak: “Elektrohemijsko dobijanje prahova bakra kontrolisanih karakteristika pomoću reversne struje”;
  • 2007. Nagrada Privredne komore Beograda za najbolji pronalazak: “Uređaj za mikrobiološku dezinfekciju vode za piće – Eco Aqua Cleaner”;
  • 2011. Nagrada Ministarstva za prosvetu i nauku RS (II mesto) u okviru takmičenja za Najbolju tehnološku inovaciju u kategoriji Realizovane inovacije za inovaciju: “Nova tehnologija za sintezu novih materijala na bazi celuloze i lignina”;
  • 2012. Nagrada Ministarstva za prosvetu i nauku RS (II mesto) u okviru takmičenja za Najbolju tehnološku inovaciju u kategoriji Realizovane inovacije za inovaciju: “Uređaj za mikrobilošku dezinfekciju vode elektrohemijskim putem”.

Oblasti interesovanja:

Elektrohemijsko taloženje i rastvaranje metala i legura, korozija i zaštita materijala, elektrohemijsko taloženje metalnih prahova, elektrohemijsko inženjerstvo.

Stručne veštine:

Tampon postupak-selektivno taloženje metala, metalizacija plastičnih masa, rad sa programiranim strujno-naponskim režimima.

Znanje jezika: Engleski

Najznačajniji projekti: 


  • 2006. – 2008. “Solving the Problem of Municipal Solid Waste in the Municipalities of North-Eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina”, EU CARDS;
  • 2010. – 2012. “Creation of University-Enterprise Cooperation for Education on Sustainable Technologies”, Tempus, Coordinator KaHo, Gent, Belgium.

Osnovna istraživanja:

  • 1980. – 1989. “Elektrohemijsko taloženje i rastvaranje metala”.
  • 1990. – 2000. “Fundamentalni problemi galvanske tehnike”.
  • 2001. – 2005. “Elektrohemijsko dobijanje prahova metala konstantnim i programiranim strujno-naponskim režimima”.
  • 2006. – 2010. “Taloženje ultrafinih prahova metala i legura i nanostrukturiranih površina elektrohemijskim postupcima”.
  • 2011. – danas “Elektrohemijska sinteza i karakterizacija nanostrukturiranih funkcionalnih materijala za primenu u novim tehnologijama”

Primenjena istraživanja:

  • 1986. – 1987. “Galvanska linija za tvrdo hromiranje autoventila i ventila specijalne namene”, “Prvi Partizan – Autoventil”, Užice.
  • 1993. – 1994. “Tehnološki postupak elektrohemijskog graviranja metalnih proizvoda”, “IMPA”, Zemun.
  • 1996. – 1997. “Razvoj postupka za zaštitu od korozije instalacija sa geotermalnom vodom”, PIK “7. juli”, Debrc.
  • 1998. – 1999. “Tehnološki postupak za zaštitu bakarnog praha od oksidacije i razrada njegove primene”, RTB Bor, “Topionice i rafinacije bakra”, Bor.
  • 2001. – 2002. “Tehnološki postupak proizvodnje CuO elektrolitičkim putem ”, RTB Bor, “Topionice i rafinacije bakra”, Bor.

Tehnološki razvoj-Inovacioni projekti:

  • 2005. – 2006. “Razvoj uređaja za mikrobiološku dezinfekciju vode za piće”.
  • 2007. – 2008. “Izrada i testiranje prototipa elektrolizera za proizvodnju hlora elektrolizom hlorovodonične kiseline”.

Izabrane publikacije:

Monografije, poglavlja u knjigama:

  1. Popov, K.I., Pavlović, M.G., Jovićević,J.N., "The shape and size of metal particles obtained during electrodeposition from aqeous solutions" in "Advanced metallic and ceramic materials", (Ed. M.D.Rogers and J.Jovićević), ECSC-EEC-EAEC, Brussels - Luxembourg, 1989, pp.48-75.
  2. Popov, K.I., Pavlović, M.G., "Electrodeposition of Metal Powders with Controlled Particle Grain Size and Morphology", in "Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry", Vol. XXIV (R.E.White, J.O' M. Bockris and B.E.Conway, eds.), Plenum Press, New York, 1992, pp.299-391.
  3. Pavlović, M.G., Popov, K.I., ¨Metal Powder Production by Electrolysis¨, Electrochemistry Encyclopedia, http://electrochem.cwru.edu/ed/encycl/, 2005.
  4. Nikolić, N.D., Krstić, S.B., Pavlović, Lj.J., Pavlović, M.G., Popov, K.I., “The mutual relation of decisive characteristics of electrolytic copper powder and effect of deposition conditions on them”, in “Electroanalytical Chemistry Research Trends”, Ed. Kenta Hayashi, Chapter 8, 2009, pp.185-209.
  5. Popov, K.I., Pavlović, M.G., Živković, P.M., “Current Density Distribution in Electrochemical Cells”, Electrochemistry Encyclopedia, http://electrochem.cwru.edu/ed/encycl/, 2011.
  6. Bojanić V., Pavlović, M.G., „New Technology for the Synthesis of New Materials Based on Cellulose and Sorption of Noble Metals” in the book “Noble Metals”, INTECH, ISBN: 978-953-307-898-4, 2012, pp.179-206.
  7. Pavlović, M.G., "Uticaj strujnog i hidrodinamičkog režima na strukturu i morfologiju metalnih taloga", u knjizi "Primena pulsnih režima u galvanskoj tehnici", (urednici: Pavlović, M.G. i Dekanski, A.), Izd. IHTM-Centar za elektrohemiju, Beograd, 1992. str. 1-47.
  8. Đorđević, S., Maksimović, M., Pavlović, M.G., Popov, K.I, "Galvanotehnika", (urednici: Maksimović, M., Mrđenović, D.), Tehnička knjiga, Beograd, 1998, str. 1-529.
  9. Antonijević,M., Pavlović,M.G., Lačnjevac, Č., Mladenović, S., "Korozija i zaštita čelika" (urednici: Antonijević, M., Pavlović, M.G.), Izd. SITZAMS, Beograd, 1998, str. 1-164.
  10. Mladenović, S., Pavlović, M.G., Stanojević, D., “Korozija i zaštita betona i armiranog betona”, (urednici: Pavlović, M.G., Stanojević, D.), Izd. SITZAMS, Beograd, 2008, str. 1-278.
  11. Pavlović, M.G., Stanojević D., Mladenović, S., “Korozija i zaštita materijala”, (urednici: Pavlović, M.G., Stanojević, D., Pavlović, M.M.), Izd. Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Tehnološki fakultet, Zvornik, ISBN 978-99955-81-04-6, (COBISS BH-ID 2209560), 2011, str. 1-476.

Publikovani radovi:

  1. Popov, K.I., Maksimović, M.D., Pavlović, M.G., Ostojić, G.R., "Formation of powdered copper deposits by square - wave pulsating overpotential", J. Appl. Electrochem., 7, 331 (1977).
  2. Pavlović, M.G., Maksimović, M. D., Popov, K.I., Kršul, M.B., "The effect of pulsating overpotential on the morphology of electrodeposited silver powder particles", J.Appl.Electrochem., 7, 61 (1978).
  3. Popov, K. I., Pavlović, M.G., Maksimović, M.D., Krstajić, S.S., "The comparison of galvanostatic and potentiostatic copper powder deposition on platinum and aluminium electrodes", J.Appl.Electrochem., 8, 503 (1978).
  4. Popov, K.I., Pavlović, M.G., Maksimović, M.D., "The mechanism of formation of a surface film of silver on a platinum electrode in galvanostatic deposition", J.Appl.Electrochem. 8, 531 (1978).
  5. Popov, K.I., Đukić, Lj.M., Pavlović, M.G., Maksimović, M.D., "Critical overpotential of copper dendrite formation", J.Appl.Electrochem. 9, 527 (1979).
  6. Popov, K.I., Pavlović, M.G., Spasojević, M.D., Nakić, V.M., "Critical overpotential of zinc dendrite formation", J.Appl.Electrochem. 9, 533 (1979).
  7. Popov, K.I., Pavlović, M.G., Maksimović, M.D., Lukić, D,T., "The mechanism of copper powder formation in potentiostatic deposition", J.Appl.Electrochem., 10, 299 (1980).
  8. Popov, K.I., Maksimović, M.D., Trnjančev, J.D., Pavlović, M.G., "Dendritic electrocrystallization and the mechanism of powder formation in the potentiostatic electrodeposition of metals", J.Appl.Electrochem., 11, 239 (1981).
  9. Despić, A. R., Pavlović, M.G., "Deposition of zinc on foreign substrates", Electrochim.Acta, 27, 1539 (1982).
  10. Popov, K.I., Pavlović, M.G., Maksimović, M.D., "Comparison of the critical conditions for initiation of dendritic growth and powder formation in potentiostatic and galvanostatic copper electrodeposition", J.Appl.Electrochem., 12, 525 (1982).
  11. Despić, A.R., Pavlović, M.G., "Anodic deposition of colloidal gold", J.Electroanal.Chem., 180, 31 (1984).
  12. Popov, K.I., Pavlović, M.G., Pavlović, Lj.J., Čekerevac, M.I., Remović, G.Ž., "Electrode surface coarsening in pulsating overpotential copper electrodeposition", Surf.Coat.Technol., 34, 355 (1988).
  13. Popov, K.I., Pavlović, Lj.J., Pavlović, M.G., Čekerevac, M.I., "Electrode surface coarsening in potentiostatic copper electrodeposition", Surf.Coat.Technol., 35, 39 (1988).
  14. Popov, K.I., Pavlović, M.G., Jovićević, J. N., "The morphology of tin powder particles obtained in electrodeposition on copper cathode by constant and square-wave overpotential from Sn (II) alkaline solution", Hydrometallurgy, 23, 127 (1989).
  15. Hadžismajlović, Dž. E., Pavlović, M.G., Popov, K.I., "The annulus of a spouted bed as a threedimensional electrode", Hydrometallurgy, 22, 393 (1989).
  16. Popov, K.I., Pavlović, M.G., Mitrović, B.A.Toperić, B.V., "Electrodeposition of silver powder by pulsating and reversing currents", J.Appl.Electrochem., 21, 50 (1991).
  17. Popov, K.I., Pavlović, M.G., Remović, G.Ž., "The effect of the pause-to-pulse ratio on the morphology of metal powder particles electrodeposited by square-wave pulsating overpotential", J.Appl.Electrochem., 21, 743 (1991).
  18. Pavlović, M.G., Hadžismajlović, Dž.E., Toperić, B.V., Popov, K.I., "Electrochemical deposition of lead powder by reversing current", J.Serb.Chem.Soc., 57, (10) 687 (1992).
  19. Pavlović, M.G., Kindlova, Š., Roušar, I., "The initiation of dendritic growth of electrodeposited copper on a rotating disc electrode with changing copper concentration and diffusion layer thickness", Electrochim. Acta, 37, 23-27 (1992).
  20. Popov, K.I., Grgur, B.N., Pavlović, M.G., Radmilović, V., "The morphology of copper electrodeposits. I. The mechanism of copper cauliflower-like electrodeposits formation", J.Serb.Chem.Soc., 58 (12) 1055 (1993).
  21. Popov, K.I., Radmilović, V., Grgur, B.N., Pavlović, M.G., "The morphology of copper electrodeposits. II. The mechanism of carrot-like electrodeposit formations", J.Serb.Chem.Soc., 59 (1) 47 (1994).
  22. Popov, K.I., Radmilović, V., Grgur, B.N., Pavlović, M.G., "The morphology of copper electrodeposits. III. Disperse deposits formation", J.Serb.Chem.Soc., 59 (2) 119 (1994).
  23. Pavlović, M.G., Popov, K.I., Remović, G.Ž., Komnenić, V.P., Štrbački, Ž.V., "A microscopic investigation of electrolytic copper powders deposited by reversing currents", Hydrometallurgy, 35, 267-274 (1994).
  24. Popov, K.I., Pavlović, M.G., Rakočević, Z., Škorić, D.M., "The structure of bright copper surfaces", J.Serb.Chem.Soc., 60 (10) 873 (1995).
  25. Hadžismajlović, Dž.E., Popov, K.I., Pavlović, M.G., "The visualization of the electrochemical behaviour of metal particles in spouted, fluidized and packed beds", Powder Technology, 86 (1996) 145.
  26. Popov, K.I. Pavlović, M.G., Stojilković, E.R., Radmilović, V., "Silver powder electrodeposition by constant and pulsating overpotential", J.Serb.Chem.Soc., 61 (1) 47 (1996).
  27. Popov, K.I., Grgur, B.N., Stojilković, E.R., Pavlović, M.G., Nikolić, N.D., "The effect of deposition process exchange current density on the thin metal film formation on inert substrate", J.Serb.Chem.Soc., 62 (5) 433 (1997).
  28. Popov, K.I., Stojilković, E.R., Radmilović, V., Pavlović, M.G., "Morphology of lead dendrites electrodeposited by square-wave pulsating overpotential", Powder Technology, 93 (1997) 55.
  29. Popov, K.I., Pavlović, M.G., Stojilković, E.R., Stevanović, Z.Ž., "The current density distribution on stationary wire electrodes during copper and lead electrodeposition", Hydrometallurgy, 46 (1997) 321.
  30. Pavlović, M.G., Dekanski, A., "On the use of platinized and activated titanium anodes in some electrodeposition processes", Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 1 (3) 208 (1997).
  31. Radmilović, V., Popov, K.I., Pavlović, M.G., Dimitrov, A., Hadži Jordanov, S., "The mechanism of silver granular electrodeposits formation", Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2 (3) 162 (1998).
  32. Dimitrov, A.T., Hadži Jordanov, S., Popov, K.I., Pavlović, M.G., Radmilović, V., "Electrodeposition of Ag from nitrate solutions. Part I. Effect of phosphate ions on morphology", J.Appl.Electrochem., 28 (1998) 791.
  33. Popov, K.I., Pavlović, M.G., Grgur, B.N., Dimitrov, A.T., Hadži Jordanov, S., "Electrodeposition of Ag from nitrate solution. Part II. Mechanism of the effect of phosphate ions", J.Appl.Electrochem., 28 (1998) 797.
  34. Popov, K.I., Kostić, T.M., Stojilković, E.R., Nikolić, N.D., Pavlović, M.G., "The determination of the optimum current wave in reversing current metal electrodeposition", J.Serb.Chem.Soc., 63 (7) 537 (1998).
  35. Nikolić, N.D., Stojilković, E.R., Popov, K.I., Pavlović, M.G., "Elimination of nucleation exclusion zones by electrodeposition at a reversing current", J.Serb.Chem.Soc., 63 (11) 877 (1998).
  36. Pavlović, M.G., Popov, K.I., Stojilković, E.R., "The effect of different deposition conditions on the morphology and grain size of electrodeposited metal powder", Bulletin of Electrochemistry, 14 (6-7)211-217 (1998).
  37. Popov, K.I., Kostić, T.M., Nikolić, N.D., Stojilković, E.R., Pavlović, M.G., "A new approach to metal electrodeposition at a periodically changing rate. Part I.. The reversing overpotential method", J.Electroanal.Chem., 464/2 (1999)245.
  38. Štrbac, S., Rakočević, Z., Popov, K.I., Pavlović, M.G., Petrović, R., "The role of surface defects in HOPG on the electrochemical and physical deposition of Ag", J.Serb.Chem.Soc., 64 (7-8) 483 (1999).
  39. Nikolić, N.D., Stojilković, E.R., Đurović, D.R., Pavlović, M.G., Knežević, V.R., "The preferred orientation of bright copper deposits", Materials Science Forum, 352 (2000) 73-78.
  40. Pavlović, M.G., Pavlović, Lj.J., Nikolić, N.D., Popov, K.I., "The effect of some parameters of electrolysis on apparent density of electrolytic copper powder in galvanostatic deposition", Materials Science Forum, 352 (2000) 65-72.
  41. Nikolić, N.D., Popov, K.I., Rakočević, Z., Đurović, D.R., Pavlović, M.G., Stojanović, M., "The structure of bright zinc coatings", J.Serb.Chem.Soc., 65 (11) 819-827 (2000).
  42. Pavlović, M.G., Pavlović,Lj.J., Ivanović,E.R., Radmilović,V., Popov, K.I., ’’The effect of particle structure on apparent density of electrolytic copper powder’’, J.Serb.Chem.Soc., 66(2001)923-933.
  43. Popov, K.I., Pavlović, Lj.J., Ivanović, E.R., Radmilović, V., Pavlović, M.G., ’’The effect of reversing current deposition on the apparent density of electrolytic copper powder’’, J.Serb.Chem.Soc., 67(2002)61-67.
  44. Popov, K.I., Krstić, S.B., Pavlović, M.G., ¨The critical apparent density for the free flow of copper powder¨, J.Serb.Chem.Soc., 68 (2003) 511 - 513.
  45. Pavlović, M.G., Nikolić, N.D., Popov, K.I., ¨The current efficiency during the cathodic period of reversing current in copper powder deposition and overall current efficiency¨, J.Serb.Chem.Soc., 68 (2003)649 - 656.
  46. Popov, K.I., Krstić, S.B., Obradović, M.Č., Pavlović, M.G., Pavlović, Lj.J., Ivanović, E.R., ¨The effect of the particle shape and structure on the flowability of electrolytic copper powder. I. Modeling of a representative powder particle¨, J.Serb.Chem.Soc., 68(2003)771 – 777.
  47. Popov, K.I., Pavlović, M.G., Pavlović, Lj.J., Ivanović, E.R., Krstić, S.B., Obradović, M.Č., ¨The effect of the particle shape and structure on the flowability of electrolytic copper powder. II. The experimental verification of the model of the representative powder particle¨, J.Serb.Chem.Soc., 68(2003)779 – 783.
  48. Pavlović, M.G., Pavlović, Lj.J., Doroslovački, I.D., Nikolić, N.D., ¨The effect of benzoic acid on the corrosion and stabilisation of electrodeposited copper powder¨, Hydrometallurgy, 73 (2004) 155-162.
  49. Popov, K.I., Krstić, S.B., Obradović, M.Č., Pavlović, M.G., Pavlović, Lj.J., Ivanović, E.R., ¨The effect of the particle shape and structure on the flowability of electrolytic copper powder. III. A model of the surface of a representative particle of flowing copper powder electrodeposited by reversing current¨, J. Serb. Chem. Soc., 69(2004)43 – 51.
  50. Popov, K.I., Krstić, S.B., Pavlović, M.G., Pavlović, Lj.J., Maksimović, V.M., ¨The effect of the particle shape and structure on the flowability of electrolytic copper powder. IV. The internal structure of the powder particles¨, J. Serb. Chem. Soc., 69(2004)817–825.
  51. Pavlović, M.G., Popov, K.I., Pavlović, Lj.J., Ivanović, E.R., Jović, V.D., ¨ The effect of reversing current on the properties of copper powder particles and properties of electrolytic copper powder. I. The morfology of particles¨, Mat.Sci.Forum, 453-454(2004)393-398.
  52. Popov, K.I., Pavlović, M.G., Pavlović, Lj.J., Maksimović, V.M., Ivanović E.R.,¨ The effect of reversing current on the properties of copper powder particles and properties of electrolytic copper powder. II. The apparent density and flowability of powder¨, Mat.Sci.Forum, 453-454(2004)399-404.
  53. Pavlović, M.G., Popov, K.I., Krstić, S.B., Pavlović, Lj.J., Ivanović, E.R., ¨Flowability of electrolytic copper powder¨, Mat.Sci.Forum, 494(2005)247-252.
  54. Popov, K.I., Nikolić, N.D., Krstić, S.B., Pavlović, M.G., ¨Physical modelling of representative particles of electrodeposited copper powders¨, J.Serb.Chem.Soc., 71(2006)397-400.
  55. Jović, V.D., Maksimović, V., Pavlović, M.G., Jović, B.M., ¨Morphology and Phase Composition of Ni-Co Alloy Powders Electrodeposited from Ammonium Sulfate-Boric Acid Electrolyte¨, Mat. Sci. Forum, 518(2006)307-312.
  56. Jović V.D., Maksimović V., Pavlović, M.G., Popov, K.I., ¨Morphology, internal structure and growth mechanism of electrodeposited Ni and Co powders¨, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 10(2006)373-379.
  57. Jović, V.D., Jović, B.M., Pavlović, M.G., Maksimović, V., ¨Morphology and composition of Ni-Co alloy powders electrodeposited from ammoniacal electrolyte¨, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 10(2006)959-966.
  58. Jović, V.D., Jović, B.M., Pavlović, M.G., ¨Electrodeposition of Ni, Co and Ni-Co alloy powders¨, Electrochim. Acta, 51 (2006) 5468-5477.
  59. Nikolić, N.D., Popov, K.I., Pavlović, Lj.J., Pavlović, M.G., ¨The effect of hydrogen codeposition on the morphology of copper electrodepositis. I. The concept of effective overpotential", J.Electroanal.Chem., 588(2006)88-98.
  60. Nikolić, N.D., Popov, K.I., Pavlović, Lj.J., Pavlović, M.G., ¨Morphologies of copper deposits obtained by the electrodeposition at high overpotentials¨, Surface and Coatings Technology, 201(2006)560-566.
  61. Nikolić, N.D., Popov, K.I., Pavlović, Lj.J., Pavlović, M.G., ¨Phenomenology of a formation of a honeycomb-like structure during copper electrodeposition¨, J. Solid State of Electrochemistry, 11(2007)667-675.
  62. Nikolić, N.D., Pavlović, Lj.J., Pavlović, M.G., Popov, K.I., “Effect of temperature on electrodeposition of disperse copper deposits”, J.Serb.Chem.Soc. 72 (12) 1369-1381 (2007).
  63. Nikolić, N.D., Popov, K.I., Pavlović, Lj.J., Pavlović, M.G., ¨Determination of critical conditions for the formation of electrodeposited copper structures suitable for electrodes in electrochemical devices¨, Sensors, 7(2007)1-15.
  64. Maksimović, V.M., Pavlović, M.G., Pavlović, Lj.J., Tomić, M.V., Jović, V.D., ¨Morphology and growth of electrodeposited silver powder particles¨, Hydrometallurgy, 86(2007)22-26.
  65. Jović, V.D., Jović, B.M., Maksimović, V., Pavlović, M.G., ¨Electrodeposition and morphology of Ni, Co and Ni-Co alloy powders. Part II: Ammonium chloride supporting electrolyte¨, Electrochim. Acta, 52(2007)4254-4263.
  66. Nikolić, N.D., Pavlović, Lj.J., Pavlović, M.G., Popov, K.I., ¨Formation of dish-like holes and a channel structure in electrodeposition of copper under hydrogen co-deposition ¨, Electrochim. Acta, 52(2007)8096-8104.
  67. Nikolić, N.D., Pavlović, Lj. J., Pavlović, M.G., Popov, K.I., „Morphologies of electrochemically formed copper powders particles and their dependence on the quantity of evolved hydrogen“, Powder Technology, 185(2008)195-201.
  68. Nikolić, N.D., Pavlović Lj.J., Krstić S.B., Pavlović M.G., Popov K.I., “Influence of ionic equilibrium in the CuSO4-H2SO4-H2O system on the formation of irregular electrodeposits of copper”, Chemical Engineering Science 63, (2008)2824-2828.
  69. Jović, B.M., Jović, V.D., Maksimović, V.M., Pavlović, M.G., „Characterization of electrodeposited powders of the system Ni-Mo-O, Electrochim. Acta, 53(2008)4796-4804.
  70. Nikolić, N.D., Branković, G., Pavlović, M.G., Popov, K.I., »The effect of hydrogen co-deposition on the morphology of copper electrodeposits. II. Correlation between the properties of electrolytic solutions and the quantity of evolved hydrogen«, J.Electroanal.Chem., 621(2008)13-21.
  71. Nikolić, N.D., Pavlović, Lj.J., Branković, G., Pavlović, M.G., Popov, K.I., „The ionic equilibrium in the CuSO4-H2SO4-H2O system and the formation of the honey-comb-like structure during copper electrodeposition“, J. Serb. Chem. Soc., 73(7)(2008)753-760.
  72. Maksimović, V.M., Pavlović, Lj.J., Jović, B.M., Pavlović, M.G., „Electrodeposition of Fe powder from acid electrolytes”, J. Serb. Chem. Soc., 73(8-9)(2008)861-870.
  73. Nikolić, N.D., Branković, G., Maksimović, V.M., Pavlović, M.G., Popov, K.I., „Influence of potential pulse conditions on the formation honeycomb-like copper electrodes“, J.Electroanal.Chem., 635 (2009)111-119.
  74. Nikolić, N.D., Maksimović, V.M., Pavlović, M.G., Popov, K.I., „Cross section analysis of the morphology of electrodeposited copper obtained in the hydrogen co-deposition range“, J. Serb. Chem. Soc., 74(6)(2009)689-696.
  75. Maksimović, V.M., Pavlović, Lj.J., Pavlović, M.G., Tomić, M.V., “Characterization of copper powder particles obtained by electrodeposition as function of different current densities”, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 39, (2009) 2545-2552.
  76. Nikolić, N.D., Branković G., Pavlović M.G., Popov K.I., “The effects of the pause to pulse ratio in the regime of pulsating overpotential on the formation of honeycomb-like structures”, Electrochemistry Communications, 11(2009)421-424.
  77. Pavlović, Lj.J., Pavlović, M.M., Pavlović, M.G., Nikolić, N.D., Tomić, M.V., „Electrodeposition of Fe Powder from Citrate Containing Electrolytes”, Int. J.Electrochem. Sci., 5 (2010)1898-1910.
  78. Pavlović, M.G., Pavlović, Lj.J., Maksimović, V.M., Nikolić, N.D., Popov, K.I., „Characterization and Morphology of Copper Powder Particles as a Function of Different Electrolytic Regimes”, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 5 (2010)1862-1878.
  79. Nikolić, N.D., Branković, G., Maksimović, V.M., Pavlović, M.G., Popov, K.I., „Application of pulsating overpotential regime on the formation of copper deposits in the range of hydrogen co-deposition“, J. Solid State Electrochem., 14(2010)331-338.
  80. Gajić, A.S., Tomić, M.V., Pavlović, Lj.J., Pavlović, M.G., „The Effect of Water Quality on Reliability of Boiler Plants Performance“, Hemijska Industrija, 64 (4) (2010) 311-317.
  81. Pavlović, M.M., Ćosović, V., Pavlović, M.G., Talijan, N., Bojanić, V. „Electrical Conductivity of Lignocellulose Composites Loaded with Electrodeposited Copper Powders”, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 6(2011)3812-3829.
  82. Pavlović, Lj.J., Pavlović, M.G., Pavlović, M.M., Nikolić, N.D., Tomić, M.V., „The Effect of Periodically Changing Regimes on the Electrodeposition of Silver Powder”, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 6(2011)6741-6750.
  83. Maksimović, V., Lačnjevac, U., Jović, V.D., Jović, B.M., Pavlović, M.G., "Morphology and composition of Ni-Co electrodeposited powders", Materials Characterization, 62(2011)1173-1179.
  84. Bučko, M.M., Stevanović, S.I., Tomić, M.V., Pavlović, M.G., Bajat, J.B., „The Peculiarities of Electrochemical Deposition and Morphology of Zn-Mn Alloy Coatings Obtained from Pyrophosphate Electrolyte“, Hemijska Industrija, 65 (3) (2011) 295-303.
  85. Pavlović, M.G., Pavlović, Lj.J., „Morphology and structure of bright electrodeposited metal coatings“, Maced. J. Chem. Chem. Eng. 30 (1) (2011), 29–43.
  86. Bajat, J.B., Maksimović, M.D., Tomić, M.V., Pavlović, M.G., „The Study of Zn-Co Alloy Coatings Electrochemically Deposited by Pulse Current“, Hemijska Industrija, 66(5)(2012)749-757.
  87. Fuchs-Godec R., Pavlović, M.G., Tomić, M.V., “Effect of Temperature on the Corrosion Inhibition of Nonionic Surfactant TRITON-X-405 on Ferritic Stainless Steel in 1.0 M H2SO4”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 51(2012)274-284.
  88. Fuchs-Godec R., Pavlović, M.G., „Synergistic effect between non-ionic surfactant and halide ions in the forms of inorganic or organic salts for the corrosion inhibition of stainless-steel X4Cr13 in sulphuric acid”, Corrosion Science, 58(2012)192-201.
  89. Nikolić, N.D., Branković G., Pavlović M.G., „Correlate between morphology of powder particles obtained by the different regimes of electrolysis and the quantity of evolved hydrogen”, Powder Technology, 221(2012)271-277.
  90. Pavlović, M.M., Ćosović, V., Pavlović, M.G., Bojanić, V., Nikolić, N. D., Aleksić, R., „Electrical Conductivity of Lignocellulose Composites Loaded with Electrodeposited Copper Powders. Part II. Influence of Particle Size on Percolation Threshold”, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 7 (2012) 8883 – 8893.
  91. Pavlović, M.M., Pavlović, M.G., Panić, V., Talijan, N., Vasiljević, Lj., Tomić, M.V., „Electrical Conductivity of Lignocellulose Composites Loaded with Electrodeposited Copper Powders. Part III. Influence of Particle Morphology on Appearance of Electrical Conductive Layers”, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 7 (2012) 8894 – 8904.
  92. Fuchs-Godec R., Pavlović, M.G., Tomić, M.V., „The Inhibitive Effect of Vitamin-C on the Corrosive Performance of Steel in HCl Solutions”, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 8 (2013) 1511 – 1519.